We had the biggest band ever, with an even bigger clarinet section than last week, including new bass clari player Stefan - welcome to the band 😃
And you probably know this, but just in case, our Haddington 700 concert at West Parish Church in Haddington, 'Music from the Movies', will take place on Saturday 15 Sept. Tickets will be available on the door, with prices held at £5 (£3 primary schoolchildren). Oh, what will we be playing? We have a fantastic programme, which will include a special soloist ...
And finally, who won Star of the Evening at our second last rehearsal before concert day? The French horns, featuring Paul B all the way from Oban, and Bob C all the way from the conductor's stand, were fabulous. Even without David and Jamie (get well soon boys!) the trumpets were tremendous. Not to be outdone, the alto saxes were awesome - as always ;-)
But tonight's award goes to our talented tubas, mostly for their top class tooting, but also for their temporary trip into another time zone 😎
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