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Band News - 5 December 2016

At the final rehearsal before the Christmas concert we had the biggest band ever, with over thirty players - including John back on euphonium, great to see you John! But who was Star of the Evening?

Again the clarinets were in with a shout, not just for their burgeoning numbers (ten this week - welcome back Hannah!) but also for their excellent sound.

The double rank of clarinets meant the French horns had to move. Then they petitioned conductor Bob at break time to let them move again - away from those loud trombones to beside the saxes (good choice French horns, you almost won!).

But tonight's award goes to Mirjam, who quietly moved herself straight into the top spot in the cornet / trumpet section. With no argument :-) Yeyy for girl power!


Bristo Community Concert Band

Rehearsals: Mondays from 7pm - 9pm


Bristo Baptist Church

1Queensferry Road



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