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Band News - 22 May 2017

The second last rehearsal before concert day on Saturday 3 June saw normal service resumed, with Bob C back at the helm. so who was Star of the Evening?

With both first trumpets missing - good luck with your exam David - the rest of the trumpets were first to make a claim, stepping right up to the mark. And past it now and then 😉

The bottom end of the band made their bid during Guardians of the Galaxy, when the tubas and the bari sax both forgot to play the bass solo. But they were quickly edged out by the tenor saxes, who did play theirs 😎

Virginia made a strong claim at the start of Singing in the Rain - playing a different piece! But Jill's lilting euphonium solo at the end of Singing in the Rain sailed off with tonight's award, sounding absolutely fabulous - even whilst trying to stifle a giggle .


Bristo Community Concert Band

Rehearsals: Mondays from 7pm - 9pm


Bristo Baptist Church

1Queensferry Road



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