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Band News - 29 May 2017

It's all systems go for Saturdays 'Best of Both Bands' concert which is happening at 7pm at Bristo Baptist Church.

We had a fantastic turnout for the final rehearsal before concert day, including Scott back on clarinet and David on sax. So who was Star of the Evening?

It was good to see Gordon and David back on first trumpet, but once again the second and third trumpets were in the running - partly for managing to count the awkward bits of Oregon and play their parts, but mostly for managing to happily sing the flute parts in between. It would have been helpful if they had carried on during brass maestro Alan Fernie's Singing in the Rain, when the flutes forgot to 'plop'. Oh, you've never heard a flute plop. Well, listen to the start of this ... plip plop, plip plop :-)

But despite the best efforts of the trumpets and the flutes, and the sticky key of an unidentified sax player - tonight's runaway winners are the band members who voted to play two nights running, by agreeing to support a Corstorphine Public Hall Rebuild fundraising evening this Friday night at Corstorphine Rugby Club, Union Park, Saughton Road North, Corstorphine. Fantastic effort from Alex, Bill P, David Mc, Doig, Gordon M, Ian, Jamie, Julie C, Julie E, Naomi. Oh and the unidentified sax player with the sticky key - or sticky key signature ;-).


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